Automotive & Mobility Forum 2023
Automotive and Mobility Forum 2023 -
Navigating the Intersection of Automotive Innovation, Sustainable Energy and Safety
This event is an excellent opportunity to gain insights from leading experts and to network with fellow professionals who are passionate about sustainable and safe mobility. This year, we welcome back our longstanding partner Gary Silberg, Partner & Global Automotive Sector Leader at KPMG US. He will deliver a keynote on his latest research and market observation and moderate our thought-provoking panel discussion on the future of electric vehicles, autonomous driving, challenges and opportunities in the battery supply chain as well as new technologies and accident prevention.
5:00pm-5:30pm: Registration and Networking
5:30pm-6:00pm: Keynote: “Sexy Realism - Automotive's New Reality”
delivered by Gary Silberg | KPMG | Partner Global Automotive Sector Leader
A new survey from KPMG of 500 global auto executives found they now expect just over one-third of global auto sales to be electric by 2030, down from nearly two-thirds a year earlier. And one-third of automotive leaders don’t see autonomous vehicles being commercially available this decade. With only so much money to spend, auto executives are putting resources into EVs at the expense of AVs. Some 64% of US auto executives said they are very or extremely likely to sell off non-strategic parts of their business over the next few years to help pay for EV investments. “When we asked these same questions last year, it was all rainbows and butterflies,” KPMG’s Silberg said. “But now it’s no longer theoretical and you see this realism.”
6:00pm-7:00pm: Panel Discussion "Navigating the Intersection of Automotive Innovation, Sustainable Energy and Safety"
7:00pm-8:30pm: Business Networking, Drinks and Food will by provided by our host KPMG
Meet our speaker:
Gary Silberg | Partner & Global Automotive Sector Leader, KPMG U.S.
Gary is the Firm’s National Automotive Industry Leader, as well as the Global Lead Partner for Delphi Corporation and Ford Motor Company. Gary has 20+ years of business experience, including over 15 years in the automotive industry. Gary has advised numerous domestic and multinational companies in areas of mergers, acquisitions, divestitures and joint ventures. His specific focus includes helping clients identify and evaluate new investment and growth strategies from technology start-up companies to large scale multibillion dollar investments
Sascha Simon | Founder | President and Chief Scientist at Sfara
With micro mobility taking hold word wide, safety between different forms of transportation, being human or autonomous, is becoming a real topic. Sascha, Founder of Sfara, a leader in mobile safety, has teamed up with Deutsche Telekom and a group of universities to pilot a new promising approach to avoiding accidents between multi modal traffic participants completely based on new smartphone technology. MHAV (multi modal hazard Avoidance) is partially funded by German government grants and seeks to pilot the system in the coming 2 years.
Flemming B. Bjoernslev | Executive Commercial Director at A1 Lithium
Since 2022 Flemming is responsible for all commercial activities at A1 Lithium. A1 Lithium is Anson Resources flagship project at the Paradox Basin outside Moab, Utah, where - beginning in late 2025 - they plan to extract lithium to support the rising demand of the US battery manufacturing industry, reducing the dependency of imported products. Flemming will introduce the plan and showcase how A1 Lithium will be extracting high purity lithium with a low impact to the environment, thus becoming a sustainable partner of the US battery materials supply chain as well as an enabler of cleaner mobility.