Event Newsletter
- Medical Technology/Devices/Equipment
- AI
We focus on Artificial Intelligence in diagnostic medicine and personalised medicine.
1. We develop intelligent tools for radiologists to detect lesions in MRI images faster and more safely for various indications - for prostate-, breast-, lung-cancer e.c..
2. We are involved in research projects with renowned university hospitals. We develop new AI Solutions for Robotic in Healthcare.
3. We are listed as a medical device manufacturer in Europe with the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM). We are certified according to 13485.
We received the MDR II a certification for our product Prostate.Carcinoma.ai on 15.12.2023.
We will get the FDA approval in Q4
Challenge: The analysis of multiparametric MRIs (mpMRI) of the prostate is time consuming (>20 min), prone to error (false-positive-rate 14%) and the quality of findings depends to a large degree on the radiologist’s experience. Unnecessary treatment and the consequential complications as well as too-late recognition of tumours and reduced chances of a successful treatment process are the results of these false diagnoses.
Solution and customer benefit: Our software ProstateCarcinoma.ai is based on artificial neural networks. The software gives an independent second opinion on the detection of abnormalities, generates markers, conducts measurements.
Whom to Contact
- Mr. Matthias Marianus SteffenCEO & FounderGroßer Burstah 46-48Hamburg, 20457Phone: +49 171 269-0328
- Maximilian Waschka
Near by the Town hall