Event Newsletter


  • Banks & Finance Institutions
500 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3000
New York, NY 10110
(212) 507-9006
(212) 507-9009 (fax)
  • About

    Germany's KfW IPEX-Bank is a 100% subsidiary of the government-owned promotional bank KfW Group. With its nearly 60 years of experience and its solid rating (AA+) KfW IPEX-Bank is the original among the export banks.

    The objective of our financings is to preserve and enhance the competitiveness and internationalization of German and European export enterprises. We also finance economic, social and digital infrastructure, help to secure the supply of raw materials and support the realization of environmental and climate protection projects - all over the world.

    We support our clients - large and medium-sized companies with a global focus - in their efforts to go international. We devise tailored financing solutions both for our clients and the purchasers of their export goods, which are then implemented even under difficult overall conditions. For decades we have mastered our core business of export and project finance like almost no other institution in our field. For almost 60 years we have built up extensive expertise in sectors that are also key industries for the German and European economy.

    As a transformation bank, KfW IPEX-Bank finances technologies of the future to accompany the transition to a sustainable society. With demanding sector guidelines for CO-intensive sectors, it ensures its financings are compatible with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

  • Whom to Contact

    • Matthew Havens
      Maritime & Aviation
      Phone: (212) 507-9008